i miss you my sweetheart

i miss you my sweetheart 

i miss you my sweetheart

This is the third I am day dreaming of your tight hugs. I can stand it anymore. I want to hug you right now. I miss you so much.

Missing you is both sweet and sour for me. Sour because I can not hold you right now and sweet because I remember all the happy moments I get to spend with you.
I miss you

You are a soul to my body; I miss you so much.

I have my wallpaper set as we kiss each other while holding each other in arms and it makes me feel sad because you are away. I miss you.

I really miss you. I do not know how to make you feel the same thing I am feeling right now. I need your hugs. I do.

 It saddens me not to have you around! I miss our daily habits and the life we have created for each other, but most of all I miss the wonderful person that you are!

Without you, this life is hard to survive. You are my immunity. I want you always by my side, and I am missing you so very much right now.

You are like my living organ. Without you, my body and life will not function properly. I miss you.

 I see your face in everything I do, I hear your voice in every song, I have everything to remind me of you, except for your physical self! I miss you like crazy!

The perfect idea of love would mean nothing if you are not here by my side! I miss you!

Life in which you are not present is not a life I consider worth living. Come to me and make my life special again.
I miss you

 i miss you my sweetheart

This silence is killing me it gives me all the more reasons to miss you. I am missing you, and I want you to know that.

Whenever I find myself missing you almost painfully, I play our favorite song and surrender to daydreaming, hoping we’ll be reunited yet again!

I miss you with all my heart and soul. You are a one in million, and I can’t bear to be far away from you. I miss you so much, my love.

In a relationship, only missing is a terrible feeling, and I hate it. Just come to me and love me. I need your hugs and kisses.

You are the love of my life, and I love to have a lovely life. So come back to me and love me more.I miss you

You make me feel like an angel when you are with me, and when you go away it’s like someone clipped my wings and put me in a cage.
I miss you so much.

I dream about you both in nights and in days. I miss you. I want to hold you

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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